Life on ten acres in Homer, AK

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Boiled Children Anyone??


Jon and I had a GREAT time in the tub last night. After dinner the William Sonoma Thermometer beeped that the tub was up to temperature. It was actually 104 degrees, our typical temperature in Fremont, CA for our 'after-kids-bedtime' dips there. We took our drinks out and waded in, after I dumped 62 gallons of water into garbage cans so we would not displace water that would be wasted. We spent an awesome, wonderful, and splendid hour together in our aromatic tub. We wanted to be able to use the tub in the morning with the kids so we added more wood, turned the fire down low, and added the 62 gallons of water back in. We headed to bed tired and very happy.

The next morning the kids were thrilled at the mention of the hot tub so we all headed out - they had baths in a metal tub we purchased in Kenai yesterday and Jon took the cover off of the tub. When he felt the water he said it was very hot. After putting the thermometer in we discovered that the tub was 131 degrees. The fire was out so I bailed 94 gallons of water out of the tub and dumped in 30 of cold water. All this work brought the temperature down to 125 degrees. Jon said we might as well all get dressed and have breakfast as it was going to be a while before the tub was ready. Sadly, we did. The kids had a hard time understanding WHY they could not get in the water. We ended up telling them that it would cook them. Needless to say, much discussion ensued about what if felt like to be cooked, would you be alive while it was happening, etc.

Breakfast was excellent organic sausage, organic scrambled eggs covered in cheese and toast. (no generator for the toaster this morning, Jon used the broiler) After breakfast I did not feel so well emtionally or physically. I did homeschool with Isabel and then crashed. I napped on the couch upstairs until lunch. Smoked salmon cream cheese ball with crackers and an aweseome chicken noodle soup. After lunch Jon took the kids for a walk and I slept in the bed until 3:15 pm when the tub finally reached 104 degrees and we all went out for a family hot tub. It was wonderful! The kids loved it! Xander said, "See mom - I am not getting cooked!" The chickens were curious. It started to rain and that was our exit ticket. In the rain I dumped the 62 gallons back in so Jon and I can heat it up for tonight.

We are very pleased with the tub and looking forward to getting to know it as well as we knew our CA tub. Obviously, once warm, it continues to hold heat VERY well. The William Sonoma Thermometer is really helpful. In the directions it says the many folks build the tub and loose the entire first 400 gallons to the swelling process. The water just leaks out of the tub. Ours is holding beautifully. We did an excellent job. I am so proud of us!!

Jon worked really hard today. He did the kids all by himself. He brought in the new stove single handedly and took the old fridge down to the cabin. The connection we had for the old stove will not work on the new stove or I know he would have installed it as well. I hope I am feeling better tomorrow to get going on the long 'fall list'.


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