Life on ten acres in Homer, AK

Monday, September 04, 2006

First Predator Attack (pk)

We lost our first animal to predators today. One of the Black Star Chickens was taken down by a Goshawk. Isabel and I went out to see if the chickens had put themselves to roost and found a gorgeous hawk right near the coop feasting. The other 17 chickens were scattered and confused. Isabel (age 5) was sad and ran back to tell Jon and Xander who were in the house getting ready for X's (age 3) bed time. They both came out. We watched the hawk sit in a nearby spruce tree. Jon cleaned the young hen carcass and was able to salvage both legs, the breast, the gizzard, liver, and heart. The hen was still warm. We must have just missed the excitement. It probably happened while we were eating dinner.

There were 15 chickens in the coop. While we were cleaning the bird, two Rhode Island Reds showed up. We were still missing one Black Star. All 6 Barred Rocks were accounted for. Jon and Xander headed back inside. Isabel and I continued on our errand of dumping the saw dust toilet bucket into the compost pile. We finished dumping and cleaning the bucket, filled it with saw dust and brought it to the bathroom in the house. On the way I lost Isabel who saw that River (our cat) had caught something, which turned out to be a live shrew. She was thrilled - quickly found her box and large plastic bug container to contain the disoriented shrew. I went back to check for our last missing hen. After hanging around the coop and listening for 5 to 7 minutes I heard her near the back of the coop, she was stuck under a pallet. I lifted the pallet up and carried her back to the coop; setting her gently up on the roost with the remaining hens.

It was an exciting evening on our ten acres. The kids handled the death of the chicken very well! I hope they handle it as well when we eat it tomorrow with the rabbits we will slaughter.

Well, I am turning in now for some much needed R&R with my guy!! More later!!


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